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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Conjugated Linoleic Acid [CLA] Pills Side Effects

CLA pills hit the market not long after the studies showing the benefits of conjugated linoleic acid [CLA] on cancer, obesity, and diabetes came out. The supplements industry was quick to pounce on the opportunity to market CLA pills as diet supplements or as muscle builders.

Lots of people wanting to lose weight or reduce body fat have been taking  expensive synthetic versions of conjugated linoleic acid. New research, however, indicates that the type of CLA in synthetic pills can do more harm than good as it may possibly cause serious side effects such as boosting insulin resistance, elevating glucose levels, and lowering good cholesterol [HDL]. Remember, I mentioned in my earlier post that there are 16 types of CLA. You won't experience above mentioned side effects with the type of CLA found in beef and dairy products.

Researchers who did a random review of 13 CLA studies came up with the conclusion that the CLA pills do not reduce body weight or body fat at all to a significant degree. The promising weight reduction results seen in animal studies, unfortunately, do not seem to apply to human subjects.

Conclusively, CLA pills are no magic diet pills that a lot of people were made to believe. It will be just a waste of resources and an exercise in futility to continue on pinning your weight loss aspirations on CLA pills.

However, the correct type of conjugated linoleic acid, in its right form, and from the best source, is one of the most potent natural and safe cancer fighters we can have in our diet. So, for CLA, let's leverage its benefits, especially its anti-carcinogenic property, for our personal health gains.

Weren't we warned to stay away from red meat because it's acidic, and therefore, carcinogenic? Are the findings on conjugated linoleic acid [CLA] the signal to remove beef and lamb meat from the no-no red meat list? Is this another blow shattering the "gospel truths" or mistakes of mainstream medicine?

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