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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Simple Anti-Aging Solution Can Make Life Longer

The search for anti-aging solutions, or the fountain of youth, have been the rage for years, in man's desperate attempt to turn back or freeze the hands of time and delay the unsolicited visit of the grim reaper.

There have been well-publicized "breakthroughs" especially in Europe about procedures that can extend life and youth, but being expensive, they are simply not within the reach of everyone. Who would not want to look and stay younger looking for a longer period of time? Such appeal to vanity and pride has triggered the birth of a multi-billion dollar industry and the influx of anti-aging products and services to address this particular need. The appeal to vanity and longevity is so strong that the cost is often mitigated by the desire.

But this does not have to be the case. There is another way, a natural and inexpensive solution to aging. I'm not surprised anymore that you don't read about it in the media, or hear it being flaunted by the anti-aging industry. There's no money to be made from it, hence, the lack of interest.

In a recent study published just last month in the Archives of Internal Medicine, which followed 15,318 subjects for 14 years, it was found out that those with the highest levels of alpha-carotene in their blood, had the lowest risks of dying from all causes, especially heart disease and cancer. They were also more likely to live a longer life.

Alpha-carotenes are potent antioxidants that give fruits and vegetables their color. This particular study specifically identified the the vegetables that can extend your life. The list includes: carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, winter squash, spinach, broccoli, green beans, collard greens, turnip greens, green peas, and lettuce.

Just including these vegetables in your daily meals is the simplest and cheapest way to raise the levels of alpha-carotene in your blood that will give you not only protection from diseases, but longevity as well. Why bother with those expensive treatments, lotions and drugs?

They refer to this study as the latest breakthrough in anti-aging. But for me, this is simply rediscovering the healing properties that can be found from substances that abound in Nature.  

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