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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Being Fat Is Symptom Of Toxic Body

Being fat is not just a sign of poor eating habits. It is the most evident symptom of a toxic body.

In fact, if we are to believe the Environmental Working Group [EWG], 100% of Americans are toxic. Maybe a bit exaggerated, but more or less approaching that figure. This horrific condition is now known as "body burden" in medical parlance.

There is no scaremongering here. According to one published study by the EWG, there were traces of no less than 287 commercial chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides, discovered in the blood of the umbilical cords of newly delivered babies randomly selected from US hospitals by the Red Cross. In yet another toxicity study, blood and urine tests of participants yielded 171 industrial chemicals, solvents, and pesticides.

We have to realize that we now really live in a chemical world. Government regulation and testing cannot cope with the accelerated pace by which chemical toxins are being developed and plonked into the food products that find their way into our bodies. Due to insufficient resources, updates on chemical policies have not been upgraded for the last three decades.

How do we get these toxins, aka, poisons?

We get it... the form of preservatives which are added to canned, bottled, or packaged goods to prolong the shelf life of the products

...from the hormones and antibiotics given to farm animals to speed up their growth and size

...from fruits and vegetables sprayed with pesticides

...from the trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners, artificial flavoring and coloring that make us crave for products

...from heavy metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium that are dumped into the sea and find its way into the fish and other seafoods that we eat.

Practically every imaginable disease known to man is associated with body toxicity, like;

Cardiovascular Diseases
Immune System Disorders
Neurological Disorders
Muscuskeletal Disorders
Digestive Disorders
Hormonal Imbalances
Chronic Low Energy

Toxins have no part in our system, but it is admittedly really very difficult to avoid them. They're in the foods that we eat and drink, in the cosmetic products that we use daily, in the cleaning chemicals that abound in the environment, in the polluted air we breath. The best we can probably do is to do something about the 5 ways how we get them, as mentioned above. This is man's own undoing, and we all suffer from the consequences of this irresponsible recklessness.

So, better pay attention and do something when you start putting on weight. It can lead to some serious and costly health disorders.

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