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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Diabetic Kidney Disease Natural Breakthrough Treatment

This is a welcome development for all diabetics whose disease has already reached the stage of renal impairment. This bright hope for types 1 and 2 diabetes sufferers comes in the form of natural healing foods.

In a very recent article I read, researchers have found that a special high fat, low carbohydrate diet, which they labeled as 'ketogenic diet,' may reverse the damage of diabetic kidney failure.

In the study, the researchers genetically predisposed mice to type 1 or 2 diabetes, and allowed them to develop kidney failure. The mice were then divided into 2 groups. The control group was fed the usual high carbohydrate diet, and the other group was put on 'ketogenic diet.' Eight weeks later, kidney failure was reversed in the latter group.

The study is the first to indicate that diet alone can be enough to reverse diabetic kidney failure.

What is a 'ketogenic diet' anyway?

According to the article, a 'ketogenic diet' is low in carbohydrate, moderate in protein, and high in fat. This diet is typically used to control epileptic seizures.

'Ketogenic' was coined from ketones, water-soluble compounds produced when blood glucose levels are low and blood fat levels are high. Ketones are used as source of energy. When ketones, instead of glucose, are used by the cells for energy, it means glucose is not utilized. Here lies the researchers'' concept of how a 'ketogenic diet' works to counter the ill-effects of glucose in the body.

Extreme caution is advised in taking this diet. It is radical and should not be taken over long terms. Do not panic though. According to the researchers, as little as a month on 'ketogenic diet' will already suffice to reverse the whole process that led to the diabetic kidney problem.

The management of diabetic kidney failure will be revolutionized by this natural, effective, economical, and safe alternative, if it does not get demonized again by those whose interests will be unfavorably affected by its success. Hope this breakthrough has already reached the doorsteps of your doctor's clinic.

1 comment:

  1. That is true a sure treatment is necessary for those whose kidneys are failing along with them being diabetic.I hope there is better medication and cure for them.Medical Billing Software
