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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Vitamin C Cancer Therapy's Bright Hope

For decades, Vitamin C supplementation has been generally associated with preventing catching colds. Remember the babies being given the daily doses of liquid Vitamin C, and adolescents and adults taking those ascorbic acid tablets as a protection against getting those nasty colds?

Results of years of researches on the other health benefits of Vitamin C have been creeping out to the public, foremost of which is Vitamin C's very promising outlook as far as cancer prevention, and even, remission, are  concerned. These results are being achieved with massive doses of intravenous Vitamin C, much way beyond the recommended daily allowance.

Vitamin C cancer therapy's bright hope has its roots in the studies of Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize awardee for his achievements, which began in 1976. He took in 100 cancer patients already declared as terminal cases and gave them nothing but massive doses of oral and intravenous Vitamin C. The therapy added years, not just months, to most patients' lives. He repeated the experiment one and a half years later, this time comparing the length of survival of terminal patients receiving the Vitamin C therapy with a control group that did not receive it. Subjects in the control group survived only an average of 38 days while those receiving the Vitamin C treatment lived an average of three and a half years.

Other documented cases which managed to slip into public knowledge were the lung and breast cancer patients of Dr. Scott Greenberg of the Magaziner Center for Wellness in Cherry Hill, NJ. The lung cancer had already spread to the brain while the breast cancer was already protruding from the patient's chest. After several months of Vitamin C treatment, the patients are both doing very well. In fact the breast cancer patient has already passed the critical five year mark which is considered a full remission.

Researchers theorize that the results were due to Vitamin C killing the cancer cells outright, or its potent antioxidant property.

Vitamin C, just like chemotherapy, produces hydrogen peroxide in the body. With massive doses of Vitamin C, the body is flooded with enormous amounts of oxygen when hydrogen peroxide is broken down. And we all by now that cancer cells cannot thrive in a well-oxygenated environment. But unlike chemotherapy, Vitamin C treatment does not affect the healthy cells and does not produce the ugly side effects associated with the former. Costwise, you're a big winner by a far distance.

Isn't Vitamin C therapy a bright hope for cancer sufferers and those who wish to exercise preventive measures? Vitamin C, after all, can be taken even when one is not yet sick or afflicted with disease. If you are in a healthy state, a dose of 1,500 mg twice daily of Vitamin C can give effective protection. But during stressful times or sickness, a dose of up to 20,000 mg is recommended. Take note, however, that not everybody has the same level of tolerance. Some may experience stomach disorders at high doses, so you may have to seek the highest dose at which you will not suffer the stomach discomforts.

1 comment:

  1. This time researching the span of success of fatal individuals acquiring the Vitamin C remedy with a manage collection that did not get it.

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