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Monday, March 7, 2011

Vegan Diet Has Its Downside

Just recently, I came across an item by a well-known doctor whose articles are widely read in the internet. His warning: "the vegan diet will kill you," had me thinking for a moment, but after reading the whole article, I fully understood what he meant.

There is nothing actually in the vegan diet that will kill you. In fact, the rich fibers that come with this diet are a big help in cleaning our guts. And the vitamins and nutrients that we get from it help in fighting and warding off various diseases. [read: What Fruit And Vegetable Color Indicates]

But look at what a research analysis of studies on vegan diets for the past 30 years have come up with. People who adhere to a meat-free vegan diet were found to be deficient in vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and the vital minerals, iron and zinc, because they are either completely absent, or severely lacking, in said diet.

Because of these deficiencies in essential nutrients and vitamins, vegans experience a feeling of fatigue or weakness, and are prone to be anemic. Even worse is the toll that the deficiencies exact inside the body. According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the risks of heart attack, stroke, blot clot, and hardening of the arteries, are heightened. Researchers further found out that vegans have lower levels of good cholesterol [HDL], and higher levels of homocysteine, an accurate marker for inflammation, a common risk factor in most chronic diseases aforementioned in the previous sentence.

That, my friends, explains why strictly sticking to a purely vegan diet can kill you, according to the doctor.

If you are a strict vegan, it is high time that you add free range poultry products and beef, as well as omega-3 rich fish to your regular fare to cover up for the deficiencies. Take additional natural supplements, if you may, of vitamin B12, omega-3, iron, and zinc, if you feel you're not getting the required amount from your food.

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