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Friday, March 4, 2011

Berry Very Good For Parkinson's Prevention

A new study just came out, this time about Parkinson's Disease, another illness that results from brain dysfunction.

This big study, which involved 49,200 men and 80,300 women, ran for two decades. The findings? Regular berry eaters have 40% lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

Researchers found that the results were due to the compounds called flavanoids, particularly one specific class, the anthocyanins, which abound in berries.

The risk in men drops even further if they eat additional flavanoid-rich foods such as oranges, grapefruits, apples, spinach, garlic, onions, and chocolate, and drink red wine and tea. The researchers were somewhat baffled as this extra protection does not extend to women. However, women are still encouraged to take the flavanoid rich foods and drinks while further studies are conducted to find the reason or reasons for this mystery.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of flavanoids, however, can be enjoyed by both sexes in fighting cancer and heart disease.

Once again, this is a testament to the fact the Nature holds the remedies to our maladies. It's just a matter of tapping these wonders of Nature, which I think is what various researchers are exactly doing right now.

Famous celebrities afflicted with this disease are actor Michael J. Fox, and former world heavyweight boxing champ, Muhammad Ali. And oh, Manny Pacquiao's equally famous trainer, Freddie Roach, has it too.

Word of caution: Several types of berries, especially those with soft skins, are in the top list of  fruits and vegetables contaminated with pesticides. So, sure to always buy organic berries.

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